Middle school students will learn about the science of phenology by journaling. Students will record and measure data through time, learn about the life cycle of Bald Eagles, observe phenomena in the natural world, and practice science skills. This is a spring seasonal project that will take 2 – 3 months overall and 10 – 20 minutes daily, in and out of class time.
Additional Resources
This lesson requires students to watch a live eagle cam. Link: https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/decorah-eagles/.
Teachers are welcome to apply for a Raptor Resource Project educational chat account to observe incubation, hatching, and eaglets with other classes from around the country. The chat is moderated by Raptor Resource Project volunteers. Link: https://www.raptorresource.org/classroom/. If you don’t have a Raptor Resource Project classroom account, register here: https://www.raptorresource.org/register/. All of our birdcams can be accessed at https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/.
Art, Language Arts, Life Science, and Middle School